Behavior Solutions, Inc.
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Teaching People with Disabilites
Early Intervention for Autism
Behavior Plan Development
Functional Behavioral Assessments
Child Problem Behavior
Self Management
Parent Training
Staff Training

Grant Funded Training Opportunities

Through a grant awarded by the St. Charles Developmental Disabilities Resource Board (DDRB) we are able to provide intensive training to caregivers and professionals working with individuals with developmental disabilities and autism who live in St. Charles County. The training includes attending workshops to learn effective behavioral strategies and hands on training and consultation to facilitate implementing what is learned in the workshops. 

Results of this program include an average behavior reduction of over 85%, participants learning basic therapy skills (Discrete Trials/ABA, methods for teaching life skills and communication, and coaching on how to train  others what they have learned. 

For more information on the St. Charles DDRB grant funded trainings you can download the flyer. If you wish to apply you can download the application. Enroll soon as space is limited. 

Improving People's Lives through Education, Training and Support.

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Grant Trainings

"Behavior Solutions has given my daughter a chance for a better quality of life by helping to teach her the skills to normal childhood behavior and life skills in general. As her parent, it was important that they also include me in everything in order to teach me how to work with her on a daily basis." -Sarah Underwood, Mother
© 2025 Behavior Solutions, Inc.